P.J. Lombardo
PJ Lombardo is a poet and essayist from northern New Jersey. He’s received an MFA from the University of Notre Dame and has worked as a publishing assistant for Action Books. His work is forthcoming from or has recently appeared in Dream Pop Journal, Protean Magazine, DREGINALD, Lana Turner Journal and the Brooklyn Rail.
Crisis Lyric: Star
Untuck me godssakes
Toeing nuke roaring like a hole
In your pimple
I leapt a rail and now i’m sped
Whisking thru the onyx
Fertile beaches overcrowded
Emerald web clipping in the gusts
so sick of piebirding mic up
my cavity
Cruising a crack of jaw down nightlight’s
Pierce hung on a print
in hell’s face A peach
Crisis Lyric: Cowboy
Under a gigolo moon palpitates
My aorta drenched cashew of oblivion
Much prized by the populus
Sonofa holler pumper
But that’s junk
Up my capillary helix of em
erald snot no quitting you fuckin idolater
Everywhere’s a parable for a steer out the pub
& you’re failing
& inside the centaur
Two steads flash their murders
twinkle pauses
shuffles spits
I’m off pacific way gonna cave my face on a cactus lurid draining
crooking river lopped hadda dreams ome wand
ering fleshdollop found me inthe basement
halved puddled strewn across the pock slambasted
pinch abrain dash a galvanism & it’s dec
ades kaput it’s dec in my hairshirt morning the minutes
slidt ogether limitless lovespace floating like a laid
mosquito her invincible glibser ene on my last face
serene of my lastfaced uglyfunked & mossed with
chrysanthemums gyration cloud em i dyin em i dyin gnails
polished asan ambulance i’m of rides city’ sspine in soft ell-
shape ellipses of erosion i hadda to dream coulda had
a kid in the cold indiana where shave the quest
ions leepnother sleep